Quality Signals

Fetch quality signals such as message limit tier and quality score. According to Meta, there are four messaging limit levels:

  • 1K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.

  • 10K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.

  • 100K business-initiated conversations with unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period.

  • An unlimited number of business-initiated conversations in a rolling 24-hour period.

Notice that message limit tier changes only when there is an update. Therefore yours might appear as unspecified initially.

You can read more about those definitions at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/messaging-limits.

GET /v1/businesses/{businessId}/get/quality_signals

Path Parameters




    // Response

A sample response looks like this:

    "entity": {
        "signals": [
                "whatsappQualitySignals": {
                    "phoneNumber": "+16501234567",
                    "wabaId": "649852411234567",
                    "messagesLimitTier": "WHATS_APP_MESSAGE_LIMIT_TIER_UNSPECIFIED",
                    "qualityScore": "WHATS_APP_QUALITY_SCORE_HIGH"

Last updated