[Alpha] Campaign report
You can download the Campaign Report in CSV format from our user interface. This report maintains a consistent column order as follows. It offers valuable insights into customer interactions, engagement metrics, and message delivery times, empowering you to track campaign performance effectively.
Column Name | Description | Example |
customer_external_id | Customer's external ID | +123456789 |
business_id | ID of the business | 2d503e81-e270-4467-a05f-21a900efbbc1 |
campaign_name | Campaign name | Test campaign |
sendout_id | ID of the sendout | d69ed06c-5385-4003-aa58-aae87f2e087e |
cnt_session_id | Connectly Session ID | 018f6423-fa75-de08-9f61-59a8526eb5c0 |
sent_at | Timestamp when message was sent | 2024-05-10 20:13:50.682000 |
delivered_at | Timestamp when message was delivered | 2024-05-10 20:13:50.682000 |
read_at | Timestamp when message was read | 2024-05-10 20:13:50.682000 |
opt_out_at | Timestamp when customer opted out | 2024-05-10 20:13:50.682000 |
error_code | Error code if message was undeliverable | 131026 |
error_msg | Error message if message was undeliverable | Message Undeliverable. |
button_clicks | Array of button names that have been clicked, in json format | {"id": "f2390b","name": "Yes","ts": "2024-07-16 12:11:03.609000"} |
link_clicks | Array of link url that have been clicked, in json format | {"id": "41e753","name": "Click here","ts": "2024-07-16 12:12:03.609000"} |
input_variables | Input variables, in json format | {"name":"Ana"} |
output_variables | Output variables, in json format | {"replied":true} |
Last updated